Född 1857-05-06 i Knoxville, Knox Co (IL). [1]
Döpt 1857-05-17 i Knoxville, Knox Co (IL). [2] Död 1937-12-21 i Elsmore, Allen Co (KS). [3] Begravd 1937 i Elsemore Cemetery, Elsmore, Allen Co (KS). [4] |
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Använde alltid namnet Swanson. Samma gäller Joe, fjärde sonen. Vet inte varför. (Enligt
Frank Swenson) Settled in Moline Illinois before moving to Allen County Kansas. A life long Democrat , he subscribed to the Kansas City Post because the Star was too Republican. Sympathetic t o the Populist movement. Disappointed when Bryan was not elected President. In his later years, he loved to sit in his rocking chair on the east side of his house , smoke his small curved pip, and complained about how the Republicans were ruining the count ry. His obituary read: "Ed, as he was known to most of his friends, was a hard working, care ful planning individual, honest and upright in his dealings, respected by those who knew hi m best. In later years, he had to withdraw from active work. This seemed to irk him not a l ittle, but Ed was one who bore bravely whatever life had in store for him. At the time of hi s death, he had attained the age of 80 years, 7 months and 15 days." EDWARD (ED) SWANSON (This was written by LaDelle (Carlson) Cunningham - granddaughter of Edward and Marie Otilia Swanson in 2001) Edward Swanson came from Galesburg Illinois when he was a young man with his family by wagon. His family settled on a farm two miles west of Friends Home Lutheran Church, in Allen county Kansas. His father gave the land for the Swedish Lutheran Cemetery. When he was a young man he would go to Ft. Scott, Ks~ in a wagon for supplies, such as lumber, wire, and many more needed supplies. His younger brother Frank would beg to go with him. Uncle Frank used to tell us about these trips when he visited Grandma Swanson. He appreciated his older brother having the patience to let him go along on this journey. Grandpa Swanson was a very understanding man. Edward Swanson had a brother killed when they were working on a dug well on the farm. They set some dynamite and it didn't go off When Albert looked into the well the charge went off and he was hit on the head by a large rock. He didn't die until the next day. He was a young man at the time. Edward Swanson made trips to Humboldt for supplies also. There were no trees growing in the area. It was just grassland. Edward Swanson was a very successfbl farmer. He raised a lot of broomcorn. He always had a hired man to help with his operations. He enjoyed traveling. He went to the Worlds Fair in St. Louis, Mo. Grandma didn't care to travel. Grandpa brought back souvenirs to his children. Grandma went to Washington state with him, along with daughter Aunt Florence, to visit her sister and family. Grandpa visited Colorado and went up Pikes Peak and he used to tell us about it. When Grandpa retired he built the bungalow on the farm he owned across the road from the home place. Every day he would walk across the pasture to get milk from his son Harold for their daily use. He always had a good garden and had pear, peach, apple and cherry trees. He used to smoke hams in a small smoke house that was still here when my husband Fred and I moved here. When he built the house he had a small stock tank upstairs in the attic (which had a complete floor in it) to store water so they could have cold running water for the lavatory and bath tub. When his family was growing up, they would go by wagon to La Harpe, Ks. to stay all night with his sister Carrie Olson and family. The next day they would take the street car to lola. On this occasion it was to attend the Ringling Brothers Circus. Grandma Swanson would take live chickens with them and would dress them after they got there, for them to eat. She always took good old farm eggs, cream, butter and bread. One year when it had rained hard and Big Creek was up they had to cross the creek even though it was high. Grandpa took a chance and the water came up to the bottom of the wagon floor but it didn't come in and my mother, Julia, said it was very exciting for awhile. Grandpa took part, along with many other people, who bought land in Texas. The agents came to Kansas to sell land that was supposed to be able to grow everything and they would become rich. Grandma was very suspicious this was not a good thing but consented to go along on the trip. They went by train to Texas and were treated royallly. They took them by train to see the land. Along the tracks were trees loaded with fruit Grandma just knew they were tied on. She was not impressed but Grandpa bought several acres and he lost a good amount of money. That was the only bad decison he made. Grandpa Swanson had the first car in the community. It was a Studerbaker. He taught his daughter Julia to drive. The neighbors remember her driving her mother and sisters places. He also had one of the first telephones. My mother use to tell us it was almost scary to hear people talk from a flinny looking box on the wall. When it was broomcorn cutting time Grandpa had several hired men to stay for several days and nights for the harvest. Grandma and the girls had to fix breakfast, dinner and supper. Grandma Swanson use to tell us about how she worked in Humboldt when she was a young girl doing house work for a family. This family was considered wealthy. She was a very good cook and housekeeper and she taught her daughters well. When the daughters were going to be married, she would have a seamstress come to the home and stay for several weeks to do all the sewing for the wedding and make other clothing for them. In later years as Grandpa got older he would sit on the east side of the house in his canvas lawn chair and smoke his ~ipe. One afternoon he went to sleep and dropped his pipe and burned a hole in his canvas chair. He didn't get burned. I remember the day he fell and broke his hip, on the icy sidewalk. He decided to get a bucket of water. He would pump it from the cistern. The family asked him to stay in but he was independent and wanted to take care of themselves. He was taken by ambulance to the lola hospital. He lived a few days but died of complications. He was buried the day before Christmas Eve. It was a very sad Christmas. Grandpa and Grandma Swansons family have always been a very close family.